Biography, profile and career wins of Angel Cabrera - Argentina Golf star

This article gives you complete details about Angel Cabrera who is an Argentine professional golf player. More details about the Biography, profile and career records of Angel Cabrera are quoted in this article. Read the article full for more information about Angel Cabrera from Argentina.

Biography of Angel Cabrera

Angel Cabrera was a professional golfer from Argentina. Angel Cabrera mainly plays in European Tour and PGA Tour. Angel Cabrera was the first Argentine golfer to win both US open and masters championship. Angel Cabrera was born in the year 1969 September 12 at Cordoba, Argentina. The nick name of Angel Cabrera is the duck in English and El Pato in Spanish. Angel Cabrera had won 2 PGA tour and 5 European tours.
Angel Cabrera
Angel Cabrera had a total of 46 professional wins. Angel Cabrera had won Masters Tournament in the year 2009, US open in the year 2007 and PGA championship in the year 2000. Angel Cabrera began his professional career in the year 1989. Angel Cabrera holds the record of first Argentina golf player to win US open championship.

His best ranking is 9th in Official World Golf Rankings in the year 2005. 2010 was not a good year for Cabrera as he was suffered from injuries and missed many major tournaments in the year. Apart from major wins, Cabrera also won Brazil open in 1998 and 1999, PGA grand slam of Golf in 2007, Paraguay open 1995 etc. More details about the profile and career wins of Angel Cabrera are given below.

Profile of Angel Cabrera

Angel Cabrera nationality: Argentina

Angel Cabrera birth place: Cordoba, Argentina

Angel Cabrera birth date:12/09/1969

Angel Cabrera nick name: El Pato in Spanish and The duck in English

Angel Cabrera major wins: PGA tour 2 times and European tour 5 times

Angel Cabrera professional debut:

Total wins: 46 wins

Height: 6ft 1 inch

Weight: 95 kg

Angel Cabrera career wins and performance

* US open champion: 2007

* Masters tournament: 2009

* Open de Argentina:2001

* Benson & Hedges International Open: 2002

* BMW Championship: 2005

* Argentine PGA Championship: 1998

* Argentine Masters: 1999

* Center open: 1997, 2000, 2005, 2006 and 2007

* Paraguay Open: 1995

* Volvo Masters of Latin America: 1996

* Brazil open: 1998 and 1999


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