International Matches
International tennis matches are organized by International Tennis Federation which is the world governing body of tennis. It has six regional associations namely Asian Tennis Federation (ATF), Confederation SudAmericana de Tenis (COSAT), Confederation of African Tennis (CAT), COTECC (Central America & Caribbean), Oceania Tennis
Federation (OTF), Tennis Europe. A number of internation tennis tournaments are organized every year if ITF, which includes Davis Cup the oldest international mens tennis competition which dates back to 1900, The Fed Cup which was originated in 1963 is a womens competition and in the year 1988 tennis was included in Olympic sport. Association of Tennis Professional (ATP) tour consists of a series of international tennis tournaments which includes International Series Tournament, International Series Gold Tournaments, Master Series, Challenger Tournaments and so on.
Here you can find the latest news of all the international tennis championship matches and tournaments. Stay tuned to know the fixtures and results of all the upcoming internation matches, competitions and tournaments all at!
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